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PCC Conference and Plenary Meeting

"Data as the foundation of the digital society"

13-15 March 2018

Metropolitan Hotel, Sofia

Client:The Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre of Bulgaria

Date:March 13-15, 2018

In connection with the first Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre of Bulgaria organized the Conference and plenary session "Data as the basis of the digital society", which took place from March 13 to 15, 2018 in the City of Sofia, Metropolitan Hotel, Sofia Hall. He was the organizer of the eventFlair agency.

The conference focuses on spatial data and its main characteristics - quality and sources, security related to privacy, integrity and protection, data integration and service provision. Some challenges in the field of geospatial information were considered, the information collected, stored, processed and used by public authorities to fulfill public needs especially to fulfill their obligations to European laws.

In order to better organize the event, we prepared a website where guests could receive and follow information about the event, as well as make their registration and reservation for participation.

The site was prepared in Bulgarian and English.

The English version of the site and the information from the past conference are currently active.

You can view it at the following address:

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